Online Security Statement

Online Security Statement



Online Forms Requirements

IMPORTANT: Due to the nature of our secure form submission library, you must have JavaScript ENABLED on your web browser in order to submit data through our online forms. There is no workaround or alternative solution to this restriction at this time.
IMPORTANT: Before entering any personal data online, make sure the address in your address bar begins with “”


Browser Compatibility

To better protect the transmission of secure data through our website, our website’s security settings prohibit the use of defunct and insecure “SSL” technology. Our secure server will only be able to communicate with browsers that support TLS 1.0 or higher. Additionally, the website may not display correctly on old browsers.


A list of known incompatible browsers:

  • Internet Explorer 6 (Windows XP)
  • Internet Explorer 7

Click here to find out if your browser is up-to-date, and how to update to the latest version.