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Copyright 2025. Village Settlements, Inc. All rights reserved. 

The entire website, including, but not limited to the material on this website, without limitation, the text, computer code, artwork, photographs, calculators, images, articles, content, titles, including, but not limited to “Property Lines,” “Settlement Fee Quote in a Minute, “ Paugh’s Laws” and any other content of this website are the property of Village Settlements, Inc. and may not be reproduced in any form, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise—without prior written permission of Village Settlements, Inc., except as provided by United States of America copyright law. For permission requests, write to Village Settlements, Inc. at our Gaithersburg, Maryland office.

Any statements, guidance, information, articles charts, etc., presented on this website are not intended to be legal advice to you about your particular situation,  but only a discussion of general rules of law.  You should not rely on any statements of law made on this website unless one of our attorneys have been retained by you to act as your legal counsel. Unless one of our attorneys have been retained by you, we are  not your legal counsel. You are always entitled to retain legal counsel of your own choosing.   None of the information that you have provided in any general inquiry is entitled to any confidentiality unless we have agreed to a written attorney client relationship. General answers to inquiries from our website are not considered an attorney client relationship, but are instead general rules of law for you to consider.  It is possible that by using e-mail, others may read the correspondence.  You should not utilize e-mail if you want to be certain of confidentiality.  To the extent that any legal concepts are discussed, they are not to be construed as legal advice, nor are they to be re-printed or re-produced in any form without our express written permission. Any referrals are not an endorsement of the particular person and/or company and you are certainly free to select or retain any professional for services.